Thursday, July 25, 2013

Star Wars - Empire At War game hints and cheats

Star Wars - Empire At War

Cheat console:
Submitted by: conner54

Press ~ to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following
codes to activate the cheat function. Note: An alternate way to display
the cheat console is to hold [Shift] + [Tab].

Code                          Result
CHEAT_Empire_Spawn_Fett     - Spawn Boba Fett
CHEAT_Empire_Spawn_Veers    - Spawn Colonel Veers
CHEAT_Empire_Spawn_Vader    - Spawn Darth Vader
CHEAT_Empire_Spawn_Emperor  - Spawn The Emperor

Easy money:
Submitted by: conner54

Conquer or capture all the planets except for the mission planet.
Then, fortify the planets around your mission planet. Once this is
done, set the game to fast forward and allow it to run. Check on it
occasionally to make sure you have not been attacked. After awhile,
check your cash flow. If you like it, resume normal play and complete
the scenario. If not, just wait and let your money build.

conquer all the space over all the planets the put 1 unit over all of
the ememy planets then sell all your building on every planet and build
mining facilitys on all your planets

note: I only tryed skirmish i don`t know about multi player

Custom ship names:
Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup copy of the
files before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the .txt files that to ships
in the "\lucasarts\star wars empire at war\gamedata\data" directory. Examples
of the files are "acclamator_assault_ship.txt", "alliance_assault_frigate.txt",
"broadside_class_cruiser.txt", etc. Open these files with a text editor and add
a name. The name will eventually be created in game once the location in the
list is reached.

Galactic Conquest mode:
Build a large space fleet and also have large ground fleet. Move around capturing
planets. If playing as the Empire, try to attack Hoth because Mon Mothma is
probably there. If playing as the Rebels, go for Coruscant.

Recommended Empire space fleet:
You must build, to conquer space, as many Accumulator Assult Ships and Victory
Star Destroyers as you can afford. You can also use some Imperial Star Destroyers
and possibly a Interdictor Star Destroyer. Now that you have your space forces,
focus on your infantry. You may need to wait for more income because of all the
space forces, but when you get enough, buy some of the first two things you can
(for example, Storm Troopers or Scout Troopers), then a few tanks.
Note: This will also work for Galactic Conquest.

Recommended Rebel space fleet:
Build at as many places as you can, X-Wings for space and Infantry Platoons or
Plex Soldiers for land. Because X-Wings have such a high fire rate, they will
have no trouble ripping apart pesky enemies. When the space battle is over, take
the ground with your forces. It may also help to have some T2-B Tank squadrons).
With the Plex(s) as high defensive and your platoon(s) doing the rest,
you should win quickly. Note: This will also work for Galactic Conquest.

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